Itz All Gravy ~ The Official Podcast: VIDEO
Just before election day, Gravy offers some campaign advice to both presidential candidates. What could both sides be doing better? Who are they getting advice from? From McDonalds, to garbage trucks and barbershops, there have been some significant campaign mistakes made in the monumental election.
Just two weeks away from election day! In this episode, Gravy briefly recaps his “Election Day” seminar and a question from the audience regarding reparations, continues his discussion regarding standards and questions what happened to high standards in American politics, and finally compares America to an older sibling, prize fighter, and aging athlete: great at one time but getting close to tarnishing a legacy.
Times have changed, but there are still rules. In this episode, Gravy discusses a question he received on the politics of masculinity today, why standards are important, and why Black men appear up for grabs…
Politics is rarely either/or. In this episode, Gravy checks the headlines and political temperature and notices a few things: one side is full of negativity and fear-mongering, and both parties have come to the same conclusion. Americans are desperate.
Are you better or worse off than you were 4 years ago? In this episode, Gravy answers the biggest political question that will determine the fate of western civilization! (Or so they say)